A pleasure to learn alongside all who joined in Sept 2024! Way to be part of scaling agroecology in NS / Mi'kma'ki.
We started off in @centrelea_hall with some political popular education to deepen our understanding of the language and pillars of agroecology and food sovereignty. Afterwards, we co-created a community map of the people and organizations who are already working to mobilize agroecology in NS / Mi'kma'ki. I'll share bits of this over the winter!
For lunch, we enjoyed a delicious soup and some meatballs, served alongside bread and plums and other fruit. Thanks to @brucefamilyfarm @archandpo @inglislegacyfarm @strattonsfarm @florerenfarm and all the other growers who provided food!
With full bellies and inspired minds, we toured our nut tree nursery, medicinal herb fields and drying shed, personal veggie and fruit plots, ponds, and more in the afternoon.
The next Agroecology Exchange is Oct 6th and is part of the NFU Region 1 Convention. Details at @nfu.ns page.
We had a blast and are excited for future events!